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BOUT++ boutpy’s documentation!

Version: 0.0.1.dev1, Last updated: June 05, 2018

Wellcome to BOUT++ boutpy documentation!

BOUT++ boutpy is a Python2.x package intended to provide some common tools required for performing Plasmas Fluid Simulations with BOUT++ framework. The BOUT++ boutpy in the latest release BOUT++ v4.0.0 is Python3.x supported.

This repo is accessible on GitLab.
Bugs Report
The most bugs and issues are managed using the issue tracker. All suggestions, comments and feature requests are gladly wellcome and appreciated.

Getting Started

It’s highly encouraged to use Anaconda as the python environment. Before starting to use the tools in this package, some envrionment variables and required packages are suggested to be set up first.

$ pip install boutpy
# if "IOError: Permision denied" occoured, try:
$ pip install --user boutpy

Code development

It’s strongly encouraged to follow the standard Python style conventions as described here:

You can use a code checker:

In order to facilitate documentation using Sphinx, the numpydoc extension is used so that the docstrings will be handled correctly. The User Manual and an example of numpydoc conventions are available.

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